Kviečiame KTU Informatikos fakulteto studentus į fakulteto studentų dieną su įmonėmis „KTU IF studentams: praktika pavasario semestrui“. Renginys skirtas Informatikos fakulteto studentams ir absolventams, norintiems:
Renginio laikas: 2019 m. lapkričio 21 d.
Vieta: KTU Informatikos fakultetas (Studentų g. 50, I a. fojė prie 101 aud.)
12:00 – 15:00 val. įmonių atstovai bendraus su studentais įmonėms numatytose erdvėse (I a. fojė), tad kviečiame dalyvauti!
Renginyje dalyvauja: Devbridge, Centric IT Solutions Lithuania, Indeform, Satalia, Sneakybox, Teltonika, Tesonet, TransUnion, Unity 3D
We would like to cordially invite students of the KTU Faculty of Informatics to students‘ day with companies „Practice for Spring Semester”. The event is for students and graduates of the Faculty of Informatics who wish to:
Date: November 21, 2019
Venue: KTU Faculty of Informatics (Studentų 50, 1st floor lobby)
12:00 – 15:00 company representatives will be interacting with students, so you are welcome to join and find your dream career!
You will be able to talk to representatives from Devbridge, Centric IT Solutions Lithuania, Indeform, Satalia, Sneakybox, Teltonika, Tesonet, TransUnion, Unity 3D